Welcome to Appanthracite!

Welcome to Appanthracite!

A brilliant Pennsylvania Sunset

Hello! I am a Pennsylvania native who has decided to pursue a more involve and astute observation of her home state. You will generally find that I enjoy the national aspects of this piece of the country, but I have also made a point to write reviews on local businesses and locales.

I would like to pursue many facets of Pennsylvania. This is an exploration of Pennsylvania’s offerings and history. I am in no way an expert on anything, but I hope you enjoy what I have to share on this here state of mine. It has lots to offer and I hope to both discover and share it with anyone who has an interest. I’ve enjoyed the journey so far, and I hope you do, too!

I am based in the Lehigh Valley area. However, I was born and raised in Schuylkill County and still have strong ties there. Most of my focus lies in the Lehigh and Schuylkill counties, with allowances for other parts of eastern Pennsylvania.

I also have an Instagram account. That account is the genesis of this site and is where I am most active.

Be sure to look around! Take a gander around the website. And, if you are in the area, explore Pennsylvania itself in its wondrous offerings of interest and fascination.